sabato 21 maggio 2011

Cowley Road

Cowley Road fascinates me. 
It's literally 1 minute away from the city centre. Once you have crossed Magdalen Bridge, the elegant and suspended atmosphere created by the colleges is left behind, and you are ready to dive into reality. 

Cowley Road is not beautiful. 
A long shabby street, with a plethora of cheap take aways that smell of fried oil, cheap restaurants and ethnic shops.

Cowley Road is not rich.

People here are not elegant nor intellectuals - they are normal people, and students.
It is not unusual to see beggars or passersby talking to themselves.

Cowley Road is not clean.
The biggest supermarket is Tesco, prey to hangover students and mothers with a trolley to fill with the cheapest items they can find. Here it's not a matter of quality, but quantity.

Cowley Road is real.

Some months ago, a man has been stabbed in front of Costa Coffee.

This is Cowley Road. You are welcome.

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